- Software for 2D Processing & Visualisation DICOM Images -

      English Docs  Manual of Patient-Navigator PATNAV & Graphical DataBase GDB  Manual of Real Time Stream Processing DICOM Images  Manual of Real Time Zoned Processing DICOM Images  Manual of PrePrinted Processing, Viewing and Multiple-Frames Print        Russian Document in PDF  Manual of of Russian Language AS_GSV DICOM WorkStation - Michelangelo  

Software Modules for 2D Processing & Visualization of DICOM Medical Images

   AS_GSV-Soft Professional Medical Program System of 2D Processing and Visualization DICOM images for either individual use or integration in PACS Systems. The system consists of Modules and supports one, two and more monitors configurations with the each monitor's resolution not less 1600*1200*32b.

   For acquaintance with 2D Processing and Visualization System of DICOM files the Free version with some restrictions is presented:
      - Without functions of the Graphic Database GDB.
      - Without functions of saved results of processing images and saved Scenarios.
      - Without functions of a direct printing processed images.

      DICOM Free Software ( DICOM Viewer ) -- AS_GSV0.FreeVersion.       It is accessible to downloading !

      The prices for Sets Modules - 2D_Price.

The resources necessary for work with System 2D Processing & Visualization - AS_GSV-Soft:

  1. Operation Systems: Windows NT4 + SP6 + DirectX 5.0U, Windows 2000 + SP3, Windows XP Professional + SP1.
  2. Processor 3.2GHz Pentium 4/1MB or 3.2GHz AthlonXP - minimal, Dual P4 550/1MB or Dual Opteron 250/1MB - optimal and more
    and 2 slots PCI-X interface for professional PCI-X graphics adaters.
  3. 512MB RAM - minimal, 1024MB RAM ECC Registered - normal, 2048MB RAM ECC Registered - optimal and more.
  4. 16/32MB and more Matrox graphics adapter G-series or P-series (for monitors or projectors up to 2048*1536), or
    3Mpixel or 5Mpixel Med-series PCI-X display controller for Medical gray monitor (for each monitor one adapter).

Software module Graphical Patients Navigator - "PATNAV" and Graphical DataBase - "GDB"

Manual of PATNAV and GDB in  Manual of Patient-Navigator PATNAV & Graphical DataBase GDB (1.4MB).

   Modules PATNAV and GDB of Systems 2D Processing and Visualization DICOM images provide:

  1. Work with patients' data and theirs DICOM series through
    Graphical Patients-Navigator - PATNAV.
  2. Patients' systematization and theirs DICOM data with the help of
    Graphical DataBase - GDB (GDB it is inaccessible in Free version).

   PATNAV Module is the base module on which the System 2D Processings and Visualization DICOM medical images is under construction.

Real time presentation 1600*1200 of   Graphical Patients Navigator and Graphical DataBase,
or download NAVIGATOR (PPT 7.4MB) and GDB (PPT 4.0MB).

Software module Real Time Stream Processing - "RT-SP"

Manual of RT-SP in   Manual of Real Time Stream Processing DICOM Images  (6.2MB).

   Modules RT-SP of Systems 2D Processing and Visualization DICOM images provide:

  1. DICOM series processing through the entire frame's field by using
    Real Time Stream Processing - RT-SP.

   It is applied only together with PATNAV Module of Systems 2D Processing and Visualization DICOM medical images.

Real time presentation 1600*1200 of   Real Time Stream Processing
or download 2D StreamPro RT-SP (PPT 15.1MB)

Software module Real Time Zoned Processing - "RT-ZP"

Manual of RT-ZP in   Manual of Real Time Zoned Processing DICOM Images   (16.5MB).

   Modules RT-ZP of Systems 2D Processing and Visualization DICOM images provide:

  1. DICOM series processing on the chosen frame zone by using
    Real Time Zoned Processing - RT-ZP.

   It is applied only together with PATNAV Module of Systems 2D Processing and Visualization DICOM medical images.

Real time presentation 1600*1200 of   Real Time Zoned Processing
or download 2D ZonedPro RT-ZP (PPT 17.4MB)

Software module PrePrinted Processing, Viewing and Multiple-Frames Print -"MFPR-VW"

Manual of MFPR-VW in   Manual of PrePrinted Processing, Viewing and Multiple-Frames Print   (2.4MB).

   Modules MFPR-VW of Systems 2D Processing and Visualization DICOM images provide:

  1. Multi frame print of the processed frames on high resolution printers for general purposes and viewing with the help of Multi Frame Print-View - MFPR-VW.

   It is applied only together with RT-SP or RT-ZP Module of Systems 2D Processing and Visualization DICOM medical images.

Real time presentation 1600*1200 of   Preprinted Processing & Multiple-Frames Print
or download 2D PrintPro MFPR-VW & DICOM Print (PPT 3.2MB)

      English Docs  Manual of Patient-Navigator PATNAV & Graphical DataBase GDB  Manual of Real Time Stream Processing DICOM Images  Manual of Real Time Zoned Processing DICOM Images  Manual of PrePrinted Processing, Viewing and Multiple-Frames Print        Russian Document in PDF  Manual of of Russian Language AS_GSV DICOM WorkStation - Michelangelo  